To promote objectivity, logic and reason over subjectivity, emotion and bias.
To Inform: We're here to spread awareness – particularly for stories that get buried by mainstream media – to ensure the public is informed of what's really going on.
To Expose: We're here to highlight the logical inconsistencies of political messaging and corporate media bias, as well as any discrepancies between what's reported and what the evidence shows.
To Educate: We're here to explain certain core concepts and philosophies that provide context for how we can properly analyze current events and apply critical thought. We aim to educate our readers so that they understand how to think, not what to think.
Traditional news media has become highly politicized and narrative-driven. Objective journalism is largely dead. It has been replaced with opinion-based "news" programming on all the big networks and newspapers.
Many outlets report only what suits a particular narrative, leaving out anything that may contradict it. In other words, they are lying by omission. This leaves huge information gaps, where one side may hear one version of a story and the other side hears another.
As a result, the public is more uninformed and divided than ever. We retreat into our echo chambers and ignore any information that contradicts our beliefs.
But it doesn't have to be this way.
Facts Matter USA™ is here to fill in the missing pieces and provide all of the evidence and context on the most important issues of our time. We use the benefit of hindsight to investigate and analyze all the facts surrounding an issue, in order to paint a complete picture of what actually occurred.
We provide full references and citations, so you don't have to take our word for it. We let the facts speak for themselves in order to keep you informed.
The United States has a unique set of values embedded in its framework of government that sets us apart from all other countries in the world. As American citizens, it is our duty to understand these principles, why they are important, and how they contribute to creating and preserving a free society.